August 9, 2018 | bikini | Sam Robeson | 0 Comments
At fifty-one-years-old, Salma Hayek’s gigantic boobs have been turning boys into masturbating men for decades, and even if they weren’t a crucial part of your formative years, it’s never too late to start a new tradition. Like all old celeb Instagrammers, Hayek posted a bikini pic with the camera held directly above her head. Old Thirstagrammers missed out on the MySpace emo years, but by God, they’re going to hold their cameras directly above their heads now. In these types of pics, gravity sponsors the facelift, and perspective sponsors the body sculpting.
But Hayek doesn’t need a hell of a lot of help. Her amazing tits are gigantic and wet, and that, pretty much seals the deal. This pic is being hailed for its #makeupfree old face positivity, but if you’re looking at the face, you’re missing the point.
Photo Credit: Instagram