December 5, 2013 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
Mayor Tom Tate is pissed off at ‘pop princess’Justin Bieber after the little shitweasel was caught tagging his city of Gold Coast, Australia. We told you last week about the dickless monkey spray painting a bunch of cartoonish squiggles on the exterior wall of his hotel. He was in town to squeal out his horrible music at his adoring overweight teenage fans. Mayor Tate said that either Bieber comes back and cleans up the graffiti or he has to sing Christmas carols at a charity event. What the fuck is that? Where’s the option for horrible death by reef shark attack or whatever that thing was that killed the Crocodile Hunter in the heart.
I think the solution to this whole Bieber situation is to have an older man in a bathrobe follow him around with a rolled-up newspaper. If Bieber does something bad, he gets scolded and smacked across the snout. If the behavior continues, he gets taken to the pound for euthanizing. Yes, we can still tell his young fans he went to live on a farm.