Sylvester Stallone Seeks Justice

December 22, 2017 | celebrity | Elliot Wolf| 0 Comments

Sylvester Stallone has a new sexual assault allegation against him. So far the “victim” is following the proper steps associated with someone looking to make quick cash.


Sly Stallone Lets You Sip The Juice

May 5, 2017 | celebrity | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Sylvester Stallone is an investor in Mulberry Street Pizza which boasts three locations in the LA area and a ton of fake Yelp reviews. That doesn't mean it isn't good, Don Johnson's kids will one star you if they... READ MORE

Mickey Rourke Got The Short End

September 19, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

The older fellas in Hollywood are juicing something fierce. That along with rampant male plastic surgery is creating a class of AARP dudes around town who don't quite look like you remember grandpa when you sat on his lap... READ MORE

The Stallone Girls in Bikinis

July 11, 2016 | bikini | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

There are pluses and minuses to being seventy with a still attractive forty-something wife and three attractive teen daughters. Cialis and a chick in your bed who still looks good naked is a big something. But older guy muscle... READ MORE

Sylvester Stallone, Winning

January 11, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

This is the picture of a happy man. Charlie Sheen claimed the ‘winning’ moniker while contracting HIV at mixed tranny porn parties, but he’s got nothing on Stallone. Model wife with big tits, three teen daughters who are all growing into... READ MORE

Stallone Has High Hopes

June 2, 2015 | bikini | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Sylvester Stallone posted a photo with his 16 year old daughter Sistine who wants to be a model like how super advantaged children used to want to go to Harvard. Stallone seems like a loving father so I’m curious... READ MORE

Sly Stallone Doesn’t Stop

January 5, 2015 | Uncategorized | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Sylvester Stallone will star in another Rambo movie and play Rocky Balboa once more in a spin-off movie due out in 2016. Rocky came out in 1976, making it forty years of Stallone playing the same character. It’s hard to knock him, either... READ MORE

Sylvester Stallone Confirms Doubts

August 5, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Sylvester Stallone opened up about his dwindling male fan base while promoting Expendables 3. Stallone has seen the market for homoerotic bromance shrink in the past years as POV gay pornography has become readily available online. He is apparently... READ MORE

Sylvester Stallone Might Star In A Rambo TV Show

August 23, 2013 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Since Sylvester Stallone seems to love clinging to his 80s and 90s action star image as if his life depends on it, it makes sense that he’d at least consider producing and developing a TV show based on Rambo.... READ MORE

Sylvester Stallone Catches A Jellyfish With His Daughters

August 12, 2013 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

Taking a break from the hard day job of calling his buddies to be in the Expendables 3, Sylvester Stallone has taken his model wife and their three teen daughters to St. Tropez to act like they belong among... READ MORE



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