July 19, 2018 |
Photos |
Sam Robeson|
Now that you're lactating over Ashley Graham's diaper ass, it's a perfect time to check out someone who's even uglier - Amy Schumer. The sultry vixen posted a bunch of Instagram pics of herself waddling around a bunch of...
July 18, 2018 |
Photos |
Sam Robeson|
Network television features about one-thousand shows in which formerly respected celebrities sit in chairs from Battlefield Earth and make poor assholes fight for fame and money. It's like producers realized that television was never going to get better than...
July 17, 2018 |
celebrity |
Sam Robeson|
First off, this is fake news from the get-go. Plenty of men have handled the Jenndashians. Kind of the tentpole of their existence. You don’t want to downplay your strengths if your entire resume reads “Work Experience: Damp Hole.”...