March 26, 2016 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
There’s so much profanity in the world. Why not add a bit more. In this week’s Last Men on Earth episode Matt and I exit our radical islamist bomb making enclaves to cover germane topics such as why Sumner...
March 20, 2016 |
Uncategorized |
Lex Jurgen|
I wasn’t around during WWII, but I bet people were riled up about far fewer things than today when everybody’s personal problem becomes a social movement. There was a time when something that pissed off less than one percent...
March 9, 2016 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
After a two week break to join Scientology, then quit, then be run off the road by Scientology monitors, Matt and I returned to the troll infested quarters to record another podcast. So much shit went on in the...
February 19, 2016 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
In China, female workers get time off to bleed properly during their menstrual cycle. Which only means when your Chinese girlfriend tells you she has a day off from work and asks you if you want to hang out,...
February 12, 2016 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Every generation believes the world is going to hell. Only one will ever be proven correct. I’m kind of secretly hoping it’s us. Before the next Olympics. This week Matt and I discuss all the shit that shouldn’t have...
February 5, 2016 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Wrestling was the gayest sport ever invented, at least one that is still practiced in the open among young men in gymnasiums as if it’s still entirely kosher. When golfers give us each other STDs from prolonged, moist skin...
January 28, 2016 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
When something shitty happens, we smear that shit into some kind of welcome sign for Latin American mosquito borne illnesses. Why delay the inevitable? This week’s Last Men on Earth Podcast had a sit-in from comedian Pete Giovine who has...
January 21, 2016 |
Uncategorized |
Lex Jurgen|
Because we had leftover sandwich meat, we ended up doing a short week version of the podcast where I personally said seventeen things that would keep me from ever running for President. It’s quite unlikely anybody will be able...
January 17, 2016 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Contrary to popular opinion, Matt and I did not gay divorce over the holidays. I’m not sure that’s even Constitutional. Meanwhile, outspoken and righteous celebrities continued to take paychecks to perform for dictators and Sean Penn traveled to the...
December 21, 2015 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
We taped this segment right before Shkreli went to prison for raping his securities firm to pay for his Wu Tang and hoverboard obsessions. We should’ve gone live like Steve Harvey. Fuck it. We’re taking some time off for...