December 29, 2014 |
Lex Jurgen|
Everybody loves a good abortion. But do you love it enough to snatch up the Baby Jesus at the Vatican manger scene on Christmas and make a run for it? You’re inevitably going to be arrested by a dude...
November 19, 2014 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
You adapt or you die. The FEMEN protestors added coordinated dance moves and miming of Christ on the cross fucking them up their poop traps for their latest Vatican protest. The Pope is not a politician they yelped as...
October 14, 2014 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Most things go to shit for lack of leadership. I’m not sure why people who lack intestinal fortitude seek positions of power in the first place. Probably some psychological explanation beyond my introduction to Freud. I don’t care if...
July 8, 2014 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
The FEMEN sorority house just opened up a U.K. chapter and the London pledges were tasked to spin the wheel of virulent causes to select their first assignment. The wheel landed on FGM. That’s Female Genital Mutilation. Despite it...
June 10, 2014 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Before their French twist, FEMEN was pretty much your standard awkward titty feminists with angry slogans shrieking outside an economic summit or pro-life institution or McDonald’s in Bucharest. Now, they’ve got wigs and props and somebody who learned how...
May 31, 2014 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
I’m a big supporter of the causes and concerns that the angry Ukrainian Feminist topless protestors shout about while covered in fake blood and slogan scribble. I don’t speak Esperanto, so I admittedly don’t actually know what they’re pissed...
April 23, 2014 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Nothing says we are legitimately angry dikes quite like picking Paris as your new international headquarters. That’s exactly what the brave topless warriors of FEMEN have done, moving their yeast-filled Honeycomb Hideout from Maria’s stepmother’s basement in Kiev to...
March 28, 2014 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Here’s proof of something I’ve always believed: it’s really hard to look like a skeleton when you’re fat. Awesome face paint aside, the angry Eastern Euro topless feminists of FEMEN were back in Spain with Muerte body paint protesting...
March 12, 2014 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Poor Mr. Putin. You might’ve thought the loyalist Ukrainian forces were no match for your Russian Bear army, but here comes the dainty ladies of FEMEN to thwart your aggression with the unparalleled anger of painted feminists with body...
February 4, 2014 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Those happy go lucky partymeisters from the Ukraine are back and stepping up their game after a winter regroup at a Kiev area coffee house and poetry slam center. For a while there the lovely ladies of FEMEN veered...