January 9, 2019 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
There’s almost enough names to fill a bible with the women Drake’s been rejected by. Add Heidi Klum to that holy list. She probably knows Drake is still in character as a Degrassi actor playing one of the toughest...
April 18, 2017 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
THOT is one of the stupidest Urban Dictionary entries ever, but the black gossip sites love to drop it constantly so white people can re-use That Ho Over There and sound like they're on to something special.
February 6, 2017 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Jennifer Lopez posted cryptic pre-printed messages on Instagram providing the opportunity for hundreds of thousands of women to muse over her relationship status with Drake over the weekend. Everybody finds their own form of living through others. Most chose the... READ MORE
January 31, 2017 |
celebrity |
Justin Bieber, Kanye West, and Drake are all passing on attending the Grammys even though they have 22 nominations between them. All three not so subtly noted how the young black man is being kept down by the Grammys.... READ MORE
June 23, 2016 |
celebrity |
In the wake of singer Christina Grimmie's shooting death at the hands of an obsessed fan, Justin Bieber and now Drake have cancelled all meet-and-greets associated with their tours, breaking the hearts of coked up thirteen year olds across...
March 16, 2016 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
At this point in her career, Rihanna sings through vocal synthesizers almost entirely about getting fucked. Her music producers used to give her more to say but nobody was buying it. “Work” is her third song with Drake that...
February 23, 2016 |
Uncategorized |
Over the weekend, rapper Drake got in touch with his Jewish roots and half a million dollars and performed at a rich girl’s Bat Mitzvah. The dad is Ben Ashkenazy, whose real estate holdings are on the Trump level. Getting Drake and the...
May 22, 2015 |
celebrity |
Diddy and Drake reportedly made fake amends over their fake beef at Mel’s Diner which serves only real cheese. Their feud drew minor attention because its subjects were a self-aggrandizing businessman and the star of Canadian Saved By The Bell overdubbed in...
May 5, 2015 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Madonna went on YouTube to pretend to answer impromptu questions from her fans while making sure to keep her face at a 43-degree angle to the camera for even one degree off and her skeleton appears to dance. Just...
April 15, 2015 |
crap around the web |
Canadian teen soap opera star Drake claims he’s “100%” with being deep throated by desiccated crone Madonna at Coachella. This is contrary to early reports and his obvious physical reaction to feeling his life force being sucked out of his gourd....