January 23, 2019 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
Question. Have you guys walked your Tomi Lahren today? I’m not sure what’s more unsettling, rappers commenting on serious issues or professional commentators taking rappers seriously. All news outlets lost credibility the moment the wacky opinions of Joe Schmoe...
January 4, 2019 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
The best Australia ever had to offer the world was Steve Irwin and Margot Robbie. Mostly everything else that comes from that continent isn’t exactly anything to brag about. I.E. Iggy Azalea, Rebel Wilson, Katherine Knight, kangaroo and Komodo...
December 4, 2018 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
Cardi B has clearly forgotten her roots after finding fame. The same woman who once had intoxicated men ever so eloquently lodge legal tender between her buttcheeks now thinks she’s too good to show up for court. Cardi B...
October 9, 2018 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
There’s a less discussed pressing issue in our country that vitally needs to be addressed. And it’s the struggle to clearly establish the exact definition a strip club. Certain seedy establishments often operate under the guise of being a...
May 14, 2018 |
celebrity |
Sam Robeson|
Rita Ora is the latest celeb to pull an "I kissed a girl... and I liked it?!" in the form of her song "Girls." In the song her and random crack whore Cardi B and some other skanks wax...