August 2, 2017 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
The history of slavery in the U.S. turned into masturbation fodder, depending on your racial fetish preference. Or what's being referred to now as alt-history, because real history became too boring and challenging to teach in schools.
August 2, 2017 |
crap around the web |
Elliot Wolf|
How does the plant Audrey II and lead actress Rebel Wilson have the same insatiable appetite and both take up three-quarters of any room they walk into. Add... READ MORE
August 1, 2017 |
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Bikini season is in full swing, and there have been so many amazing women in bikinis in film history, it almost seems folly to try and rank them. Not if you’re Mr. Skin, though, because if there’s one thing... READ MORE
August 1, 2017 |
News |
Sam Robeson|
Thirty-one-year-old Harlem woman Latesha Bynum was taken off life support today after spending nearly two weeks in the hospital due to complications from shady butt injections. On July 15th Bynum succumbed to the pressures to look like the zombified Bratz dolls haunting Instagram feeds... READ MORE
August 1, 2017 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
Life after fame is a bitch. Try to avoid peaking too early because the life to look forward to after that makes you want to die early. Mostly from embarrassment and terrible financial decisions.
August 1, 2017 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
The cool thing in Hollywood is being a female producer and declaring you want to only hire women. Men who try this get fired, sued and run out of town. Context is everything in discrimination.
August 1, 2017 |
crap around the web |
Elliot Wolf|
Typically I'm against PETA. The animal rights activists will randomly ruin anyone's expensive fur coat with low-quality red paint. Joe Montana Parkinson's shakes every time someone mentions them.
August 1, 2017 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
Maybe the silver lining in that entire situation was the dismissal of her career. Instead of gracefully bowing out, she sprinkles sore loser statements saying she was done with music either way. She claims her tunes went against her... READ MORE
August 1, 2017 |
celebrity |
Sam Robeson|
The caption on Teigen's tweet - "period skin. so mad." - is moving enough to squeeze out another day from her fear-based suicidal followers. Lena Dunham's feminist body-owning comes in the form of a FUPA-friendly taint on HBO. But women... READ MORE