August 28, 2017 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
It's not unusual for the sons of inheritance to believe they earnestly earned their professional stature. The alternative theory is too demeaning to consider. Though more ambitious men will intentionally not follow in their successful father's footsteps to avoid... READ MORE
August 28, 2017 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
Ronda Rousey fights more for attention than she does in the UFC. Even with that fact, her pop up marriage still got overshadowed by a Mayweather fight.
August 28, 2017 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Every generation struggles with universal questions of who are we as a people. If this is an open vote, we really shouldn't be a people who let varsity high school athletes sue the hot chick teacher's they're banging.
August 28, 2017 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump aren't that much different. Both love the age gap in the bedroom and spend excessively for male of the species on hair and makeup product. Also, both are hovering around thirty percent approval ratings.... READ MORE
August 28, 2017 |
celebrity |
Sam Robeson|
The gay-baiting pro put down the Bud Light she was sipping in her Airbnb after returning from Starbucks to tell V Mag that the gays are her favorite and most valuable accessories. Like chihuahuas you carry around in designer handbags.
August 28, 2017 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
Most gamers need decent graphics, a decent storyline, and decent pair of tits to get their undivided attention.
August 28, 2017 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
MTV Award shows are a good chance to capture the zeitgeist of the nation's young people who found primary education a taxing experience.
August 27, 2017 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
Slap a celebrity's face on advertisements and you've just validated very poor quality panties for the overly impulsive to purchase. So what if the majority of your customer base can't fit what you sell.
August 27, 2017 |
Elliot Wolf|
Bitcoin can be your best friend in avoiding a paper trail and your wife going through credit card receipts full of 2 a.m. ATM credit card cash advances. So that's why Las Vegas gentlemen clubs are accepting cryptocurrency as... READ MORE
August 27, 2017 |
celebrity |
Lex Jurgen|
If you could track the timeline since Kylie Jenner's birth until the moment she shared her big fake breasts on camera, you'd see a natural progression to the reveal. She was doing bikini shots for cash at twelve.