Tom Cruise wants a prenup

November 3, 2005 | Photos | editor| 0 Comments

Star Magazine is now reporting that reality slapped Katie Holmes around recently when her beloved Tom Cruise asked her to sign a prenup. Cruise, who is worth an estimated $300 million, is said to have planned to protect his... READ MORE

KFed has no talent

November 3, 2005 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Did anyone really think that Kevin Federline trying to freestyle was gonna be anything other than laughably bad. Because it is. The first song from KFed has been leaked online and its everything you might expect. Its sounds like... READ MORE

KFed has no money

November 3, 2005 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

The rumor has been around for a few weeks now that Britney Spears is getting very tired of watching husband Kevin Federline piss away all of her money, most recently on things like the construction of a multimillion-dollar dance... READ MORE

More Hollywood Halloween

November 2, 2005 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

You’re gonna have to take my word on it that this is Heidi Klum, who gets points for enthusiasm if nothing else. And for obviously never watching Mean Girls. But there’s still something criminal about a chick as hot... READ MORE

Superman has a really nice package

November 2, 2005 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

The Sun UK reports today that the wardrobe department on the upcoming Superman Returns spent over a month working on nothing but Supermans codpiece because they wanted to make it the perfect shape and size. Costume designer Louise Mingenbach... READ MORE

Nurse Christina in high-res

November 2, 2005 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

This is my favorite kind of post because it looks like I’m doing something but all I’m really doing is replacing the low-res pictures of Christina and Dr. PissinMeOff that I put up yesterday with high-res copies. These are... READ MORE

Justin Timberlake is ruining Shrek 3

November 2, 2005 | Photos | editor| 0 Comments

Radar Online says today that Cameron Diaz practically cast her boyfriend Justin Timberlake in a key role in Shrek 3, and now the couple is ruining the movie. The trouble began when DreamWorks politely – but not seriously –... READ MORE



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