‘Superman’ is the most expensive

May 19, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

‘Superman Returns’ is expected to be the most expensive movie ever made by the time it’s released on June 30th, with costs by then reaching $300 million. Warner Brothers, the studio producing the film, claims the budget to actually... READ MORE

Howard Stern on Brandon Davis

May 19, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Howard Stern talked about Brandon Davis and Paris Hilton yesterday on his Sirius radio show after the video surfaced showing Davis launching into an unprovoked, profanity laced tirade against Lindsay Lohan. And Stern was as disgusted by their spoiled,... READ MORE

Brett Ratner is smooth

May 19, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

You don’t get the reputation as one of the preeminent dickeheads in Hollywood without really applying yourself. Which is why Brett Ratner is the LeBron James of dickheads. This from todays Daily News: Brett Ratner, director of “X-Men: The... READ MORE

Christina Ricci is strangely hot

May 18, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

I think they way to go when you do ink for a living in Hollywood is to own your own place. That way you can skip being behind a curtain with a shirtless young boy and just take the... READ MORE

Everyone hates Paris and Brandon

May 18, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

92 percent of people who participated in an online poll yesterday said that there are no two people in Hollywood more disgusting than Brandon Davis and Paris Hilton. This after video surfaced of Davis spewing a lengthy, profanity laced... READ MORE

Christina hates Mariah

May 18, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Christina Aguilera tells GQ this month that she has never been close with Mariah Carey. Christina says: “She was never cool to me. To the point that one time we were at a party and I think she got... READ MORE

Brandon Davis needs his ass kicked

May 18, 2006 | Photos | editor| 0 Comments

TMZ has just about the most pathetic thing you’ll ever see, as ex Mischa Barton boyfriend Brandon Davis launches into a profanity filled tirade against Lindsay Lohan while Paris Hilton laughs like an idiot. As paparazzi follow him down... READ MORE

Christina Aguilera is a good model

May 18, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

While the world anxiously awaits high-res copies of these pictures of Christina Aguilera in this months GQ, I thought the pictures below were pretty interesting. I didn’t realize she was doing a Marilyn Monroe thing. Not that I’m beating... READ MORE

Everyone hates ‘the Da Vinci Code’

May 17, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

The eagerly awaited movie version of the best selling book ‘The Da Vinci Code’ is being savaged by critics around the world after the first screening last night in Cannes, France. Some members of the 2000 critics in the... READ MORE

Frankie Muniz is hardcore

May 17, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

I’m assuming Frankie Muniz got a tattoo to look older. Maybe tougher. Suffice to say, it didn’t work. Putting ink on Malcolm to look tougher is like putting a bonnet on a bear to look friendlier. He could carve... READ MORE



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