Lindsay Lohan is stacked

July 5, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

These pictures of Lindsay Lohan on the beach in Malibu two days ago will probably do anything but help her claims that she doesn’t have implants. Because those things look rock hard and impossibly perfect in the last three.... READ MORE

Ashlee Simpson is in Victorias Secret

July 5, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Although rumors that Ashlee Simpson was offered and refused a 4 million dollar offer to appear in Playboy have been proven false or at least wildly exaggerated, it is true that Ashlee has been hired as a new model... READ MORE

Superman is disappointing

July 4, 2006 | Photos | editor| 0 Comments

Even though it made 84 million dollars in its first 5 days of release, ‘Superman Returns’ has not been the record breaking hit many predicted. This is Warner Bothers tent pole movie of the summer, their best bet for... READ MORE

Coco Arquette is helpful

July 4, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Okay, a few of these pictures of Coco Arquette pulling back the top of mom Courtney Cox were all over Friday, but I didn’t put those up because they were small and the quality sucked. These are better. It... READ MORE

Gwyneth Paltrow is a singer

July 3, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Gwyneth Paltrow has already completed one single and is now working on a complete album with William Orbit, who produced and co-wrote Madonna's 'Ray of Light' album. Paltrow apparently has no plans to work with husband Chris Martin, the... READ MORE

Janet Jackson is suspicious

July 3, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Janet Jackson must not think very much of us if she’s gonna stick to her claim that diet and exercise are all she used to lose the 1500 pounds that magically disappeared from her ass. If anyone from law... READ MORE

Jessica Simpson is almost official

July 1, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey could be officially divorced next week after both signed the paperwork today to request a superior court judge be appointed “for the sole purpose of” ending the couple’s marriage. The judge is being asked... READ MORE

Jessica Alba is skinny

July 1, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Jessica Alba seems to have lost a remarkable amount of weight lately. Which sucks because otherwise I could open picture 3 and look down her shirt and actually see something. But it is fun staring at the tattoo on... READ MORE

Jennifer Lopez has a sex tape(s)?

July 1, 2006 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Jennifer Lopez paid her first husband $125,000 to keep quiet and not reveal intimate details about her private life, but he will anyway unless stopped by a court order which will be requested in Los Angeles today. Ojani Noa,... READ MORE



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