Kanye Gone Crazy Debunked!

July 23, 2020 | Media | Tex Hollywood| 0 Comments

  I am the first person to not give a shit about the whole Kanye thing. I’m talking Kanye in general, not specifically about his recent “outburts” on twitter that everyone is blowing off as a mental health issue.... READ MORE

Today in Racist Sports Team Names!

July 22, 2020 | SPORTS | Tex Hollywood| 0 Comments

This week’s derogatory term is “Eskimo” – as in Edmonton Eskimos, a Canadian Football League team that is suddenly the target of slings and arrows and seal-hunting spears. There is no end to virtual-signaling by renaming professional sports teams.... READ MORE

Is Epstein to Blame for Maxwell’s Involvement?

July 21, 2020 | News | Media Man| 0 Comments

You can hear the anti-men warriors struggling to spin the story of Ghislaine Maxell, Jeffrey Epstein’s fallen arranger; and although Big Media is enjoying a second helping of salacious click-bait, they too need a PC angle. Was Maxwell just... READ MORE

Amber Heard is Expensive!

July 19, 2020 | Courtroom | Tex Hollywood| 0 Comments

The portrait of Amber Heard as “talentless” coochie is fake news – in fact, she may have the most expensive vagina in the world. You’ve got to have talent to pull down the wide range of producers, directors, actors... READ MORE

Redskins Getting Dragged Again!

July 18, 2020 | ATHLETES | Tex Hollywood| 0 Comments

You’ve probably all heard the story about the Redskins, who have been getting enough bad press are now being dragged into the whole #MeToo thing. It’s like you can’t be a company, organization, actor without a little sexual assault... READ MORE

Thandie Newton Dishes on Tom Cruise!

July 7, 2020 | Gossip | Tex Hollywood| 0 Comments

Thandie Newton filmed “Mission: Impossible 2” with Tom Cruise back in the early 2000s and she has recently decided to dish some gossip about working with the Scientologist / Star. According to Thandie, Tom is a terrible gift giver... READ MORE

Twitter Killed Ellen Today But She Didn’t Die

July 7, 2020 | Celebs | Shot Dunyun| 0 Comments

The Twittersphere made some big moves yesterday when they got the hashtag #RIPELLEN trending, this is the best kind of fake news and not because I’m pro “killing” people but because I’m pro Ellen dying or just disappearing. But... READ MORE

Kim Kardashian Perpetuates Fake News!

June 19, 2020 | News | Tex Hollywood| 0 Comments

So we all know that Kim Kardashian is Fake News. That her sex tape was staged in collaboration with VIVID and the whole getting relevant on social media through their reality show was all brainwashing and designed. Well executed,... READ MORE

Amber Heard is a Racist

June 18, 2020 | Celebs | Shot Dunyun| 0 Comments

News flash, Amber Heard is still a loser! If you’ve been keeping up with the whole Johnny Depp/Amber Heard court battle you probably heard about model Cara Delevingne getting roped in on the action after she allegedly had a... READ MORE

Halsey Using her Black Card

June 9, 2020 | News | Tex Hollywood| 0 Comments

  Halsey has been protesting for Black Lives Matter, she brought her little social justice afro out to raise her fist and again confirm her “blackness”. Halsey’s mother is white and her dad is half black, so she identifies... READ MORE



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