Miley Cyrus Is Back At Twerking Form

May 6, 2014 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

As planned, Miley Cyrus has been given the green light to resume her Bangerz tour with her London show tomorrow, after she had to postpone some American and European shows because of her “allergies.” Doctors said that she had... READ MORE

Miley Cyrus Taped Nipples For A Video By Quentin Jones

May 2, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

I don’t know who this Quentin Jones fellow is, but he’s described as a multimedia artist, which I assume is a title of honor they just don’t give out to any old art school student. He made this Sesame... READ MORE

Let’s Keep Pretending Miley Cyrus Had Bad Antibiotics

April 19, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

I prefer when the publicists just say the young drug experimenting and partying performers are suffering from exhaustion or vocal chord fatigue or whatever other bullshit to explain why tours are being canceled and why the stars are mysteriously... READ MORE

Miley Cyrus Is Fresh Out of Ideas

April 12, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

First she teased and then she showed her tits and then she got on a horse and showed her tis and then she got on stage and started fingering her taint and kissed Katy Perry and grinded Robin Thicke... READ MORE

Miley Cyrus Canceled A Show So This Fan Cried On TV (VIDEO)

April 8, 2014 | video | editor| 0 Comments

Now claiming that she’s sick on top of mourning her dead dog, Floyd, who was snatched away in the night by a band of coyotes, Miley Cyrus canceled her show in North Carolina last night just 30 minutes before... READ MORE

Miley Cyrus Already Replaced Her Dead Dog

April 7, 2014 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Miley Cyrus claims that she’s been left devastated by the death of her dog, Floyd, after he was reportedly snatched away in the night by coyotes, and she’s been coping with the loss by crying about it on Twitter... READ MORE

Miley Cyrus Cried While Singing For Her Dead Dog (VIDEO)

April 4, 2014 | video | editor| 0 Comments

Despite reportedly being devastated over the death of her dog, Floyd, Miley Cyrus decided that her shows must go on. Miley has been throwing a pity party for herself on Twitter, claiming that she’s “fucking miserable” about Floyd, and... READ MORE

Kendra Thinks Miley Is Amaze

April 4, 2014 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

Former Hefner wet spot sleeper Kendra Wilkinson thinks Miley Cyrus is a great role model for young girls. Kendra is pregnant with her second womb ferret with her husband who played in the NFL for a couple seasons and... READ MORE

Miley Cyrus Remixes Are Getting Tittier

April 2, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

There’s nothing Miley Cyrus will not do to get you to listen to her music. She’s like that kid in high school who wouldn’t stop passing out flyers and homemade samples for his band. Only, imagine that dude topless... READ MORE

I’m A Twerk Major

March 27, 2014 | celebrity | editor| 0 Comments

A private college in upstate New York is offering a class on Miley Cyrus. Skidmore College, one of the priciest schools in the country, is adding a class on the the leg spreading tone deaf singer this summer. The... READ MORE



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