Kendall Jenner Denies Being a Cold Texter

August 29, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

In a growing scandal nobody really gives a fuck about, they just need an excuse to show half naked teen girls (myself included), Kendall Jenner denies that she and her working girl sisters were texting during the VMA minute... READ MORE

Kendall Jenner Drops Her Last Name

August 28, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

It was always kind of a bitch for her to spell in autographs, now Kendall Jenner has officially dropped her last name from her professional modeling whatever the fuck that is. She’s simply going to be called Kendall in... READ MORE

Kardashians Don’t Do Well With Silence

August 28, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

Some trumped out outrage is going around the Internet because the Kardashian whorelings were using their cellphones when Common asked for a moment of silence for Ferguson during the VMAs because as a black celebrity, he simply had no... READ MORE

Chris Brown Surely Loves Charity Sports Events

August 19, 2014 | Uncategorized | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

Last month it was a Chris Brown celebrity kickball game with all the felonious minions and Kardashians he could gather up. Now, flag football against Puff Daddy’s son. Chris Brown is either building his curriculum vitae for a middle... READ MORE

Kendall Jenner Damage Control by Way of Lobster

August 18, 2014 | Uncategorized | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Kendall Jenner let it be widely known that she both paid her tab and tipped generously at a restaurant where she and her buddy racked up a $550 dinner bill. She threw down another $150 as a generous tip... READ MORE

Kendall Jenner Calls Waitress a Lying Loser Who Has No Range Rover

August 14, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Kendall Jenner retained celebrity reputation defender nonpareil Marty Singer to  threaten to sue a New York City waitress who claims Jenner walked out on a bill. Jenner insists she merely forgot to pay the bill and left the restaurant... READ MORE

Give Kendall Jenner Her Fucking Booze Already

August 11, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

Everybody knows that slogan about how ridiculous it is that you can go to war at eighteen but you can’t legally get a drink. That’s nothing compared to being an eighteen year old growing up in the Kardashian cat... READ MORE

Chris Brown’s Celebrity Felon Kick Ball Raises Eleven Dollars (VIDEO)

July 21, 2014 | Photos | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

Only mostly everybody at Chris Brown’s Kick’N’ It for Charity Celebrity Kickball game in Glendale had rap sheets. Chris, DJ Khaled, The Game, and a few other charitable fellows famous for drugs and beating women showed up for a... READ MORE

Kendall Jenner Lands a Cover

July 15, 2014 | Photos | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

I bet Kendall Jenner laughs and laughs at the guidance counselor who analyzed her future career survey and found her best suited for work in the escort industry. Not just because he was pretty accurate, but because she giggles... READ MORE

Kendall Jenner In A White Bikini

July 2, 2014 | bikini | Lex Jurgen| 0 Comments

Kendall Jenner needs college like she needed high school. Just a pinch. College is for the less cash sophisticated girls who let themselves be raped for free in the dorms. Did their mother’s teach them nothing? Kendall Jenner is... READ MORE



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