August 26, 2020 |
Gossip |
Media Man|
Calling Billie Eilish a professional singer is like saying Bugs Bunny is a rabbit – it’s accurate on some level, but dishonest in reality. If you put Eilish beside Adele – the Classic version or the new Calorie-Wise edition...
March 11, 2020 |
Celebs |
Shot Dunyun|
Billie Eilish is the packaged teen pop singer who was forced into the industry by two actor parents who couldn’t make it further than a few odd roles on shitty tv shows. They were desperate for fame so they...
February 14, 2020 |
movies |
Shot Dunyun|
I assume James Bond kills himself in the latest film because the theme song that they hired Billie Eillish to produce is so depressing. I mean this is great for Billie, she just turned 18 which means she was...