December 4, 2018 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
Cardi B has clearly forgotten her roots after finding fame. The same woman who once had intoxicated men ever so eloquently lodge legal tender between her buttcheeks now thinks she’s too good to show up for court. Cardi B...
December 3, 2018 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
When Melissa Joan Hart’s husband isn’t home to smell the scent of his lover wrapped in warm latex, he’s receiving dirty GIFs because normal sexting is so last season. Whatever happened to women sending pictures of themselves with whip...
December 3, 2018 |
celebrity |
Sam Robeson|
Hollywood’s reigning bulimic blowjob factory Emma Stone prompted all normal people to think “What the actual fuck did I just read?” after releasing the details surrounding her brave decision to go nude in Oscar-bait piece of shit The...
December 3, 2018 |
bikini |
Sam Robeson|
We previously detailed the advantages of being in a constant anti-psychotic medication-induced zombified stupor ala Britney Spears. They are many. But the main one is that your handlers – incentivized to keep you looking fuckable – can put...
December 3, 2018 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
I’m not that deep. Usually when I get a gut feeling it means I have to fart. I’m not trying to find any hidden meanings behind the things certain celebrities do. If everyone was more straightforward, this world would...
December 1, 2018 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
My two biggest fears in life happen to be pooping in a public place before checking if there’s enough toilet paper and a Megan Fox come back. Both very shitty scenarios. I live life with low expectations. It’s the...
November 30, 2018 |
celebrity |
Sam Robeson|
So do we like Ariana Grande or not? The details of her four-minute relationship with that guy whose name I can’t remember (Phil? Pip? Who the hell knows anymore) are already getting fuzzy, and I’m starting to recall...
November 30, 2018 |
celebrity |
Sam Robeson|
A mere five years ago Miley Cyrus was perpetuating rape culture by getting her ass banged by Robin Thick’s cock bulge during her infamous MTV Video Music Awards performance. But now she’s woke af and not going to take...
November 30, 2018 |
celebrity |
Sam Robeson|
We can make fun of pretty much any celebrity on here unchecked, but God forbid tweaking anorexic taco Sarah Hyland comes into the mix. Suddenly this is Hello Giggles and we can’t call a spade a spade. So...