December 13, 2018 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
There’s a thin line between being a cool parent and Casey Anthony. I don’t think Miley Cyrus’ mom wants to murder that annoying twerk bunny she calls her daughter, but the idea may pop into her head every time...
December 13, 2018 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
I would have assumed that somewhere under those fraudulent tits Nicki Minaj owned a soul, but I was wrong. Her new lover is registered sex offender, making him the third man she’s defended and supported that likes to get...
December 12, 2018 |
celebrity |
Sam Robeson|
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on Dec 11, 2018 at 6:34pm PST Almost exactly a year ago Britney Spears documented a case of the Christmas runs on Instagram, and...
December 12, 2018 |
celebrity |
Sam Robeson|
Though the real mystery today is what the hell is going on with that guy who used to date Ariana Grande's hair. Ugh what is his NAME? Ugly ass son of a bitch butthole eyes vampire Pablo Davenport was...
December 12, 2018 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
Snitches get stitches, found in ditches, or end up like Whitey Bulger when the prison karma fairy pays a visit. Rats have been known to ruin a good thing. And the trading of sexual favors for cinematic favors was...
December 11, 2018 |
celebrity |
Sam Robeson|
Where did this accent come from all the sudden ? — Myrtle Snow (@fatandfem) December 6, 2018 Celebs cute and endearing enough can get away with PC murder, which is why Sarah Silverman is going to be...
December 11, 2018 |
celebrity |
Elliot Wolf|
Martha Stewart is a weird one. But at least she keeps it realer than her other compadres. Rachel Ray hasn’t got the guts to create a chanterelle dish from scratch while sitting next to Snoop Dogg. Or whip up...
December 11, 2018 |
celebrity |
Sam Robeson|
Being a starlet in 2018 without having had a kidney transplant is like being a starlet a decade ago without having been hospitalized for celebrity exhaustion. Anyone who’s anyone these days blames blown out drug kidneys (ALLEGEDLY, don’t sue, none...