Samuel L Jackson Wasted on Good Intentions (VIDEO)

December 16, 2014 | video | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Sam Jackson posted a video he clearly won’t remember asking for a Celebrity Call to Action from his Connecticut home paid for with Capitol One money. He could’ve just hit Reply All from the last Sean Penn email asking his... READ MORE

Sony Has Some Problems

December 16, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Some part of me says we shouldn’t be reading other people’s stolen emails. The other part says, fuck that, I hate people in general and powerful annoying people most of all and I’d take any chance to see them... READ MORE

Bill Cosby Bets on Black

December 15, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

I don’t know what Billy Cosby’s big bucks attorney is advising him, but the primary recommenation should probably involve some form of shutting the fuck up. Even if you pen some really clever lies, there’s nothing you could say... READ MORE

Jerry Garcia Was a Lover

December 15, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

A model Jerry Garcia penned a couple squeamishly shy love letters to in the 1980’s is parting with her keepsakes for a few bucks at auction. Jerry Garcia was so intensely counterculture, he didn’t even bang hot models because... READ MORE

Billy Corgan Claims Awesome By Association

December 12, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Former Smashing Pumpkins frontman and current guy who has to tells chicks in bars who he is, Billy Corgan went on Howard Stern and talked a ton of shit about bands that are still bands like Pearl Jam and... READ MORE

Keanu Reeves Is The Best Person

December 12, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Keanu Reeves waited outside in the rain for 20 minutes before getting into the premiere party of his own movie, Daughter of God. Reeves apparently didn’t want to drop any celebrity lines to the bouncers because suffering through obstacles... READ MORE

Harvard Professors Are Often Dicks

December 12, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Benjamin Edelman is a professor at the Harvard Business School. He specializes in the field of online fraud, preventing it I believe rather than perpetrating. Benjamin Edelman is also a dick. He recently ordered Chinese food from the local Sichuan... READ MORE

Sony Chief Pressures Seth Rogen

December 12, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Kazuo Hirai, the Chief Executive of Sony, ordered a part of The Interview where Kim Jong Un’s head blows up to be toned down, even though he rarely if ever oversees the content of films. This came after the film... READ MORE

Florida Lottery Winner Proves Karma Wrong

December 12, 2014 | Uncategorized | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

A 450 pound child molester and career criminal won a $3 million dollar scratch-off prize in Florida. This may be related to the logic tree that starts with if only convicts and drug addicts play scratchers, and only people... READ MORE

Maria Shriver Is Anti Miley Cyrus

December 11, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston| 0 Comments

Maria Shriver reportedly disapproves of her potentially legitimate child Patrick Schwarzenegger dating Miley Cyrus because she’s best known for getting wasted and having midgets spread her ass cheeks for screaming teens and naughty Hungarian men who remember strip clubs under Communist... READ MORE



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