March 26, 2007 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
You could show the surveillance footage of a children's cancer ward, and focus on one kid with cancer, and he's holding a puppy, and the puppy also has cancer, and then tell me it was Saturday Night Live, and I wouldn't notice any difference for at least an hour. And even then I wouldn't notice because it was any less funny than a typical SNL, but because they usually have a band. Still, this Peyton Manning thing was pretty funny – albeit obvious – sketch. Hitting kids in the nuts is comedy gold.
NBC IS FUCKING RETARDED UPDATE – so it seems NBC had youtube take this clip down, because why would you wanna promote the fact that your show might be funny and entertaining,. SNLs rating might creep up to a 1 share, and then it would be sheer pandemonium over there.