November 13, 2006 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments

TMZ estimates that Kevin Federline possibly spent 50 million dollars of Britney Spears money in the two years that they were married.  In 2003, her net worth was estimated at 100 million dollars.  Today, she’s worth between 35 and 50 million.  "You do the math," TMZ says.  But these numbers are in stark contrast to a report in yesterdays Daily Mail, who says Britney’s worth today is approximately 123 million.  The Mail has gotten their hands on the prenuptial agreement signed before the wedding and it is extremely clear and extremely strict – 60 pages long, a detailed record of everything Britney has ever earned, every dime listed and locked away from Kevin.  The Mail says:

Britney wanted every penny protected by the pre-nup and ordered her vast legal team to draw up a list of all her worldwide assets, held in a myriad of companies including Britney Brands, BritneyFilms, Britney Online, Britney Touring, Fairy Zone Productions, One More Time Music and Britney Television.   To find out exactly how much she was worth, they gathered together hundreds of financial and tax statements. These documents have now been seen by The Mail on Sunday, and they offer a fascinating insight into the finances of a pop phenomenon.

Jesus Christ.  60 pages?  I think that maybe they over thought this just a little.  Its Kevin Federline.  They could have drawn a duck on a triangle and he would have been so hopelessly confused he would have agreed to anything just to be left alone. 

And now, unrelated pictures of Andy Roddick dressed as KFed for Halloween:

Tags: britney spears kevin federline

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