Kevin Federline is a hero

June 20, 2006 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments

Some might say that the young people of today are aimless, and they waste their days on playstaions and hula hoops. But then someone like Kevin Federline comes along, and you realize that there’s still a lot of good out there. His latest cause is to help save the penny, an asset so precious, so dear, and yet in such grave danger. MSNBC says:

(the cause) will “unite to reinvigorate the purpose of the penny in face of its possible legislative elimination,” according to an announcement. (Kevin) will appear in Times Square at mid-day on Wednesday and be among the first to “to sign the ‘Save the Penny’ petition to be presented to lawmakers in Washington D.C.” (He will) also be donating pennies to charity.

Selfish whores like Angelina Jolie bask in the headlines by adopting orphans from nations ripped apart by poverty and civil war, but the real heroes are people like Kevin Federline, who has agreed in principle to write his name down and then give away his wife’s money. True compassion lies in awkwardly printing 14 letters while people applaud, then giving a charity a quarter ton of money that’s worth $1.87. So, really, when you think about it, Kevin is one of our greatest hero’s, like Thomas Jefferson or Batman. Or that girl in seventh grade who let me feel her boobs.

Source = MSNBC

(Okay, this is apropos of nothing but the Jefferson thing made me think about it, because, Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington – these are like some of the most famous white people in American history, and yet if you meet someone with that last name today, there is zero chance they’re gonna be white. None. How did that happen. I’m not trying to start a race thing here, I don’t care that it happened, but seriously, how did that happen. What happened to all the white people, I guess is what I’m asking. Hopefully they’re not leaving, because, as Louis CK says, being white is fucking terrific. Racism is bad, it’s evil, and it’s a problem – just not for us.)


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