March 29, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
As a frontman for a rock band, it’s critical to know what kind of drunk you are. There’s rampaging on stage and fucking up lyrics but nobody gives a shit because you’re totally insane. And there’s inordinately sedated and rambling on loop about somebody maybe named Dan stealing your house. The latter won’t get you a live-recording at Budokan. At a Puddle of Mudd show in England where such things still exist, Wes Scantlin got so immeasurably fucked up and unable to perform that the rest of his band walked off stage. When Sid Vicious was heavily indulgent, the rest of the Sex Pistols took comfort in the fact he’d be dead soon. You can’t bitch about a guy hanging on too long when he’s dead at 21. Scantlin is one of the rare substance abusing rockstars Jesus won’t call home. The English guy repeatedly yelling “Fuck you, Wes, you’re a disgrace” is the big winner. Followed closely by Slipknot whose music the venue started blaring to drown out Scantlin who sat cross-legged on stage covering his urine soaked crotch and rambling into a disabled microphone. This is like witnessing hospice care when the disease is asshole. The nurse is on dinner break from eight to nine. Somebody grab the throw pillow and summon the courage to do what’s right.