March 16, 2012 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
George Cloney getting arrested will probably be the biggest story of the day even though it wasn’t for something really macho like throwing a cell phone like a girl while wearing girl’s clothing. It’s important to point out that Clooney’s manager had a prepared statement for the press, so it’s likely that this whole incident was anticipated, if not intentional to heighten awareness of an important cause. via TMZ:
They were protesting the violence committed by the government of Sudan on its own innocent men, women and children. They were demanding they allow humanitarian aid into the country before it becomes the largest humanitarian crisis in the world.
The arrest follows Clooney’s testimony before Congress on Wednesday, where he points out the disgusting fact that the only way to get China to intervene (not for humanitarian purposes, mind you, but solely for their reliance on Sudanese oil) is from timely U.S. pressure. It’s time for America to go to bat for a worthy international cause and while we’re at it, let’s not for get to recognize what a sweet piece of ass(below) a geriatric can get just for being a fabulously wealthy and handsome actor. USA! USA!
(Image Source = Getty, Splash News)