May 26, 2009 | Uncategorized | editor | 0 Comments
In about three weeks time, “Jon & Kate Plus 8” went from a show I’d barely even heard of to some secret ratings giant to the most wretched thing on television. Now even Kate’s sister-in-law is telling people not to watch the stupid thing. Her reason? Well, brace yourself, because she claims it’s staged.
“When the show first started, Kate made a wish list of things that she wanted, and that became the theme of each episode — the carpet, twins’ room, bunk beds, cow, hair plugs, teeth whitening, trips, etc. EVERYTHING that you see them do or buy is completely paid for out of the budget for the show or traded for free advertising … The episodes are also staged. Here’s how it works … there is a staff of people reading these blogs and they base the shows around what people are talking about.”
Is it really a surprise if Jon had an affair? Kate isn’t even remotely hot enough to justify her insufferable attitude. Bitch had eight kids. Her vagina must look like a black sheepdog panting in the summer.