September 8, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
The first openly gay Miss America pageant contestant is hoping to make big strides this coming weekend during the pageant. First off, just imagine all the vulnerable half-naked young women you can fuck. That used to be the sole purview of judges and corporate sponsors. Also, spreading the message of tolerance by way of wearing a bikini on stage and being the 43rd best lookin woman on stage can’t be underestimated:
Being able to represent Miss America as a gay woman would mean a lot to me, because I really feel a responsibility to make the LGBT community proud, and make history and break another ceiling for a minority group.
Oh, you’re not winning, sweetheart. And it’s not the below average looks. See Michael Sam from your same state of Missouri. America isn’t ready for a scissor kissing Miss America. Maybe ease in with a Puerto Rican chick and Muslim. It would help if you didn’t look like a forty-year old PTA mom. Keep reaching for those minority ceilings, while keeping in mind white women are the single largest plurality demo in this nation. And nobody mistreats a good looking lesbian.
Photo Credit: Splash/Instagram