October 22, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
W magazine put out a photo spread of young models Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid where the celebrity offspring had obviously Photoshopped limbs and features. The outraged on Twitter who are neither paid by the hour or post quickly noted the absence of kneecaps and body morphed features on celebrities they know more about than their grandfather who fought in Korea.
With an ironic haughty chuckle, W magazine noted that the shoot was conducted by artists Lizzie Fitch and Ryan Trecartin, who you’re supposed to know work in the medium of adding prosthetics and plastic humanoid features to their model representations. The entire piece is an homage to performance artists of New York. So maybe seven super annoying people who cocktail in Soho got it. Hint: Hadid and Jenner fans don’t read.
The choice to airbrush in Barbie doll like parts on the closest thing the human world has to living Barbie dolls seems a rather arcane artistic expression. Hillary Clinton with a Pinocchio like nose doesn’t win you originality points. Or more taxpayer funded grants from the NEA. Avante garde is just another name for somebody else is paying my rent. Elevating strippers never works out well.
Photo credit: W magazine