Bella Thorne Just Wants a Little Privacy

January 17, 2017 | Uncategorized | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments

Bella Thorne is asking for a little space from the public in discussing her private love life which she teases and promotes nearly constantly on social media. Here I am with this scandalous fellow. No comments. Can you see my panties even though I haven’t eaten in a week?

Thorne claims that she receives nasty comments and insinuations, and up to and including death threats based on who she’s dating, who she’s supposedly cheating on, and how she’s handling her romances. Presumably she means from her fans since who else possibly follows this? It seems insane until you imagine Yankees fans letting loose on their own GM.

The latest blowup occurred when Twitter sleuths unraveled what they believe is a budding relationship between Bella Thorne and YouTube star Sam Pepper. It’s unclear what YouTube star means, but Pepper is one of them. He’s also been accused by numerous women of sexual assault. And he filmed a prank where he made somebody believe they were witnessing a murder. Okay, I figured out what YouTube star means. Either way, it pissed off a number of Thorne’s admirers who threatened to leave her. 

People take social media as such a big thing. And they all think they know what they’re talking about. And they think they know your life and they get their friends to trash you. And they get all these people to hate on you and call you whatever names in the book. It’s kind of like one person says it and then everybody jumps on it. 

It’s hard to imagine you’d ever feel sorry for a kid actress turned into a delusional anorexic self-absorbed chick. But having twelve year olds threatening to dismember your cat based on who you’re supposedly dating seems at least somewhat vexing. The obvious solution is turning the whole publicity machine off, but that would cost you millions and everybody in your family would have to get real jobs and their resumes list “Bella Thorne” as their employer since the Bush Administration.

Fifteen more pounds down and Bella Thorne slip into a coma and we can all posit how we got here. Her fake tits will still be the same size, so imagine we’ll still be paying attention.

Photo credit: Instagram

Tags: bella thorne photos

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