September 24, 2020 | News | Media Man | 0 Comments
You may have heard of the movie “Cuties”, another cinematic burp in the Netflix pipeline to keep people at home and sedentary by throwing every movie at the wall to see what sticks. It’s a French coming-of-age drama focusing on a young girl pursuing her dreams – in this case competitive dancing – against traditional family values and poverty; oh and the main character is 11.
The filmmakers have justified their movie in the face of accusations of child exploitation as “honest storytelling”, and a personal story that needs to be told blah blah blah – actually, no, it doesn’t. (Check IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ratings to see where – admittedly opinionated – audiences lie).
You mean to tell me that no-one making this movie – not the director, writer, producers, parents of the child-actors, etc. had even the slightest thought that this film could be a conduit for hypersexualizing children? Apparently Netflix Marketing did, since movie marketeers have been selling sex, violence, and quick, indecipherable cuts for the last 40 years, and can’t think otherwise.
Anyone who’s seen a movie in the last 50 years knows that Jennifer Lawrence and “Sex and the City” and Michael Bay realized their “art” could be reinterpreted as pornography in our sound-bite media world. Mr. Skin makes a living here. We’re not saying that children or boobs or horses can’t be given a close-up bc they may be transcribed as porn by over-imaginative perverts – we’re saying you’re either naive or stupid (or worse, okay with it) when you sexualize children on-screen without concern for exploitation.
It’s like filming a “true story” where some red-neck dirtbag blows up a fictional building, showing a detailed, step-by-step montage on how to create a bomb using fertilizer and baking soda and Mentos – yes, its true to the story, and yes, your antagonist may be incarcerated and remorseful afterward – but don’t pretend to be shocked when some asshat freeze-frames your “honest portrayal” and incinerates the local Wendys.
In the future when you Google “Cuties” the CIA will add you to a pedophile watch list – I wonder if Netflix saw that coming??
Now to cleanse the palate, here’s Top 5 Stripping Scenes in Moves by aforementioned Mr.Skin, where all the actors are over the age of 18!