June 20, 2018 | celebrity | Elliot Wolf | 0 Comments
The idea that everyone is to blame but me is way past its expiration date. It’s breeding an attitude that protected classes can operate with complete impunity. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how we arrived at the release of an all women reboot of the Ocean’s movie franchise. I’m pretty sure the producers banked on eight strong independent women in a film being empowering and something that could not fail because anyone who gave it a bad review would be shamed. Even when the concept was regurgitated and put in a dress. Unfortunately Mindy Kaling went full panic mode and now she’s blaming white male critics, claiming they’re being unfair in their critique of Ocean’s 8.
“Ocean’s 8” star Mindy Kaling is making waves about white male movie critics — saying they’ve been “unfair” to the all-female-star reboot of the “Ocean’s” heist-movie franchise.
“If I had to base my career on what white men wanted, I would be very unsuccessful,” Kaling told Yahoo News. “There is obviously an audience out there who want to watch things like [‘Oceans 8’] which I work on.’’
Co-star Cate Blanchett agreed.
Why is it so hard to own up to a bad idea? Mindy is missing the mark here, no one asked for this movie. I thought feminism was about equality, not envy. Make an equally good movie without reheating leftovers. Men aren’t clamoring to replace women in movies where the cast is all female. There isn’t an all male version of The Descent coming. Even though more people would survive in a reboot if it was men because stabbing the only other survivor at the end of the movie is a catty, and cunty thing to do.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News / Getty Images / Splash News