July 24, 2017 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Los Angeles might be slapping politically correct penalties on Playboy models body shaming chicks in the gym locker room, but England is simply a lawless workout wasteland.
Learning nothing from Dani Mathers and her reveal that hot chicks make fun of not hot chicks constantly in private, British bodybuilder Diana Andrews was busted for social media eye-rolling a tubby on the treadmill talking on the phone.
Andrews shared a photo of a muffin top with the caption “love handles” and some emoji shit about ordering take out. Fuck, I’m glad she’s not at my gym. That’s precisely where I order my burgers.
In perfect caught criminal rhythm, Andrews moved to Facebook for an entirely incredulous apology that read almost word for word like Mathers fake mea culpa:
I want to explain my self for what I have done. Tuesday evening after my training session. I saw this girl walking on the treadmill talking on her phone and I made a video and added a comment that she’s probably ordering take away. The whole point of this video was that she’s using her phone while on the treadmill. The whole story was turned upside down by taking a screenshot and adding comments that I’m body shaming this woman. I would never do this it’s not who I am. I’m always encouraging ppl to do their best and push them selfs. I’m here to motivate especially women to do be afraid and get work done. Ppl that know me knows I’m not a bully.
Obviously this is a lie, as evidenced by the captions alone. This is who you are. It’s who every woman is. Cutthroat competitive on looks as men are to sports accomplishment fish story. You’ve got a super fit, albeit mannish, body and you’re going to rip on those who don’t.
(See More Diana Andrews revealing bodybuilding photos)
Body shaming is real. And it’s really being perpetrated almost entirely by other women. Men don’t do photos like these. We leer at the good looking chicks at the gym and imagine humping them in the jacuzzi. Anybody else we move on. Who takes photos of heavy women with catty captions? Chicks who’ve starved and worked themselves into a rock bottom BMI. Somebody’s going to pay.