May 27, 2015 | Uncategorized | matt-ralston | 0 Comments
Kyle Busch’s wife Samantha turned some heads by posting a bunch of bikini pics six days after giving birth to their son Brexton who is destined to illegally manipulate the currency market. Samantha has a lifestyle blog which more than likely offers several life hacks for vaginal dryness and mainly focusses on how to stay fit while pregnant. Apparently that’s a major concern if you don’t have a job and spend your husband’s money on daily photo shoots of yourself. I’m no doctor but high intensity training with a baby inside you might not be a good idea. Take these nine months off. There’s no way he’ll leave you until after the first year. The backlash would be too much to handle. Look what happened to Tiger. I know it’s a mental game but I’m pretty sure that guy forgot how to walk. I’d like to congratulate Kyle and Samantha on their first child and her second eating disorder. Is that milk on your head? Get that little shit a car seat.
Photo Credit: Instagram