May 26, 2015 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
I had to look up this dude’s name since his ‘mob’s’ hip hop logo was on those inane upside down American flag t-shirts being sold by PacSun. A$AP Rocky dropped acid at SXSW festival in Austin and banged nine girls, three at a time, while he was tripping. Back at his mansion. Naturally. Who the fuck are these people? There is so much money now in rap music that every new moon there’s a dozen new juvenilely named rappers living in mansions plowing a room full of chicks while seeing Ghandi play checkers with Mr. Spock. The black population of this country isn’t statistically ample enough to be supporting this massive industry cash flow. I blame white people. Nobody jumps a bandwagon quite like suburban towheads. They’re buying the latest hot player jerseys in the store, the PacSun A$AP upside down flag t-shirts, and gobbling up merchandise from rap artists they hadn’t heard of as of this morning. Fuck, I hate everybody. Except A$ASP Rocky. Nine chicks on acid is simply impressive. Don’t hate the player. Hate the chick who stuck around to go last. Heaven holds a place for girls with big hearts.