April 15, 2015 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
People who get intense emotional reactions get intensely emotional when they see pretty children’s book zoo animals being put down. Have you ever seen a calf before it’s made into veal chops? It’s fucking adorable. That spring lamb you’re eating was cuter than a baby in a basket of kittens before its neck was slit and it was carved into parts. The shuddering vegans among us have some righteous claim to the horrendous nature of this chick hunter Rebecca Harris taking her crossbow and mowing down bears and tigers and giraffes. Laying next to the downed creatures for Facebook selfies does seem a bit profane. But if stalking and slaughtering a giraffe to giraffe heaven is your version of great sex, I can see memorializing that time you nailed the super hottie.
Nobody much knew about Rebecca Francis and her giraffe kill until Ricky Gervais retweeted it so he could point out how disgusting it was and thereby make it widely seen.
Everybody looked up from their humane KFC buckets and noted their own even greater disgust. Some tried to top disgust by making death threats. Nobody’s withdrawing Excalibur from the stone without a solid history of lazy outrage on their timeline. I’m sure the hunters among us will explain more rationally how these animals need to be culled to keep the population strong. I’d probably quit it with the torture porny conquest photos, but if Francis switches from a crossbow to brass knuckles, I’m willing to sponsor her next trip. You’ve not lived until you’ve seen a woman try to punch an okapi to death.
Photo Credit: Rebecca Francis/Twitter