March 23, 2015 | Uncategorized | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Attacking social media trolls is the new me-too take for celebrities who in 2015 have suddenly become aware of the trolls who’ve existed since it was the ARPANET in the 70’s and Army dudes were calling Navy dudes dipshit fag nuts via teletext. Guys who called Ashley Judd a cunt on Twitter or talked about wishing they could shove their obviously large dicks in her ass deserve a beatdown as all insanely stupid people do. She’s rooting for Kentucky on Twitter. It’s basketball. Write Wildcats SUCKKK!!!! and then maybe comment on her latest plastic surgery cat eyes and move the fuck on.
Ashley Judd is going after the trolls with a combination of essays on being sexually assaulted as a child, a series of sympathetic editorials from men who believe men are inherently evil save for themselves, naturally, and potentially lawsuits and getting people kicked out of shit ala Curt Schilling. Once again I’m left wondering why. It’s lamentable that some percentage of men are pigs. That you can’t do everything in this world in a completely safe and sane environment. It’d be nice if you could feed your ego by being a social media star on all things sports and global warming and only have people respond positively and with lots of Likes and LOLs and thumbs up. Grow the fuck up. The world isn’t perfect. You can’t repair the cracks with empty crusader tears.
If you want girls to be free of social media trolls, get them off social media. It’s a complete waste of time. Inspire them to become the next Silicon Valley CEO, not the next feuding low paid Internet fame whore. You’re a 46 year old actress with some decent residuals piled up. You might have time for 18,000 Tweets and taking a few weeks off to chase down the trolls. It’s not surrender to move on to more productive pursuits. Jesus doesn’t give you scoreboard for pointless battles. Get five chicks and yourself off Twitter and you’ll have saved the world.
Photo credit: GettyImages