January 14, 2015 | NSFW | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Remember when everybody criticized Miley Cyrus for her raunchy shlock filled Bangers tour then she said, oh, boy, that really hurts, I just got wasted for a year and earned $100 million so suck the dick I’m going grow just to be infliential. V Magazine, a magazine so edgy themselves they could contain the edginess of Miley Cyrus, is releasing photos from the lowest dude on the totem pole they sent along with Miley on tour to take out of focus snapshots. It’s possible he actually though they were in focus, but through the lens of Grey Goose and Adderall snorts. Is this just some cycnical attempt to show off Miley’s tits again. Fuck you, it’s free.
Photo Credit: V Magazine