November 13, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston | 0 Comments
Kim Kardashian was not paid for her Charlie McCarthy like like full frontal cover shoot for Paper Magazine since Paper Magazine is not a legitimate magazine and does not have the money to pay their cover models. Hence their willingness to put a lubed up silicon injected case of steatopygia on their cover. The New Yorker and Buttman passed because they have standards. Paper Magazine would gladly slap James Franco humping a Fleshlight on their cover if his agent called. Anything to get over the hump toward becoming a legitimate publication.
Kim’s look at me now grand Shopped up titty extravaganza is some kind of wonderful. Or horrible, until you imagine calling her names while pulling her genie hair then it goes back to wonderful. Try to imagine how disappointed sperm is when it finds out who you were looking at when you made it. I’m crying too.
Photo Credit: Paper Magazine
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