May 21, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Macklemore is under fire from Jewish Groups and Seth Rogen, Hollywood’s Ambassador for Jewy Jewishness for dressing up with a fake mop top, beard, and a crooked nose and performing his Thrift Shop song during a show in Seattle. Cries of anti-Semitism resounded pretty quickly after Macklemore donned what he claimed to be a completely innocent costume for the song about scoring deals on cheap shmata:
Some people there thought I looked like Ringo, some Abe Lincoln. If anything I thought I looked like Humpty Hump with a bowl cut. I wasn’t attempting to mimic any culture, nor resemble one. A ‘Jewish stereotype’ never crossed my mind. I acknowledge how the costume could, within a context of stereotyping, be ascribed to a Jewish caricature. I am here to say that it was absolutely not my intention.
In short, c’mon, I married 33 gay couples at the Grammy’s? How about I get free pass on this Fagin business? Only bad people like the Duck Commander can be intolerant. Good people like me and Alec Baldwin use the term faggot and coon as terms of righteous endearment on their crusade of enlightenment. Later Macklemore Tweeted something about Donald Sterling being a vile racist then donned his sombrero and fake mustache for his song, ‘Taco Stand Illegal Wetback No Mas’.