October 14, 2013 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Alec Baldwin launched his not really much awaited talk show on MSNBC on Friday night. The network made a big deal about the new show, putting out a press release reminding everybody that MSNBC was still on the air. Alec began his new enterprise with a 60-minute conversation with his preferred candidate for Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio. He likes de Blasio because de Blasio wants to tax the wealthy and build more preschools and says shit like, ‘”It would be glorious one day to have a post-racial society” and then to prove it, he married a black lesbian. In a post-racial society Alec Baldwin could call black photographers ‘coons’ and ‘crackheads’ and everybody could just post-laugh about it. Some critics labeled Alec’s show as utterly boring and a softball free-commercial for the mayoral candidate, but then everybody suddenly realized they were spending time talking about an Alec Baldwin talk show on MSNBC and the conversation quickly petered out.