July 23, 2020 | Media | Tex Hollywood | 0 Comments
I am the first person to not give a shit about the whole Kanye thing. I’m talking Kanye in general, not specifically about his recent “outburts” on twitter that everyone is blowing off as a mental health issue. That’s not to say that I dont have a level of respect his marketing abilities and manipulation tactics that got him where he got, it’s just to say that I am not a Kanye fan, I hate all things Kardashian. Obviously.
I came across this video on social media, the devil’s platform, which basically debunked all the celebrities that are trying to discount Kanye as being crazy. From his bid to run for president, to his twitter rants about how Kris Jenner plans to exploit his children, because she does and then the whole Harriet Tubman quote that went viral because the media only shared a snippet of what he said, which was that she freed the slaves to be slaves for white people, without finishing his thought, which was that everyone the Black people are making money for are white owned companies. Modern Slavery, only they are well paid. Just ask Kanye.
I thought it was interesting enough to share this twink’s opinion, or analysis because the media man, they’re brainwashing you to believe what they tell you and to consume what they tell you to consume. That’s what being WOKE should be about, not that other nonsense that isn’t even WOKE at all.
To this guy’s point, someone quoted some survey or poll results about TRUMP the other day, when trying to argue me on shit I don’t care about, so to make my point I googled the poll and they had only asked 1000 people at the specific college and used that data as if it was national fact, that 80% of people hated TRUMP for whatever reason. 1000 college kids from a specific college are not a proper sample to say with confidence that their study represents basically anything. Sure not really anything to do with Kanye, but the news media definitely fucking lie.