Louis C.K.’s Unite The Right Standup Puts Parkland Survivors, Gays In Their Place

December 31, 2018 | celebrity | Sam Robeson | 0 Comments


Finally someone said it. Louis C.K. is known as the comedian who really goes there. And by there I mean hotel rooms where he shows unsuspecting women his FUPA baby carrot. The disgraced fifty-one-year-old has started booking gigs following his brief exile, and his new routine – which we can hear thanks to this leaked audio – deviates from his former woke af teller of things as they are schtick. He had a chip on his shoulder alright. *Chuckles.* Being a divorced parent. In this topsy-turvy world? The jokes wrote themselves. In the old days of Louis C.K. Trump was bad (C.K. even wrote an impassioned letter comparing Trump to Hitler) and Sarah Silverman watched him masturbate and the world was new.

Now that Louis C.K. (who was born in Mexico to a Mexican father. This feels relevant. IDK why) has suffered the wrath of the liberals (in the wake of his hotel room shenanigans) that he once so sanctimoniously supported, the pendulum has swung the opposite direction, and he talks like he’s headlining a Unite the Right rally. At least if you go by this leaked audio from a December 2018 standup gig. This time around C.K. has a take that you’re not going to believe. He doesn’t like teenagers. Teenagers. What’s the DEAL with teenagers. You know, the group of people who have universally sucked since the beginning of time? Ya. Those people. Wonder if he’s got a hot scoop on airline food.

C.K. finds modern-day teens to be annoying, as they are more socially conscious and politically active than older generations. His grievances are exemplified by the survivors of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. During his bit, C.K. conflates ant-gun activism with gender pronouns, leading to a revival of his exaggerated gay lisp. He most memorably previously used it during a rant expounding the virtues of the word “faggot.”

My hot take is that this new audio making the rounds isn’t damning for its takedown of the Parkland survivors. They’re teenagers. Of course they suck. The world hasn’t beaten the hope out of them and left them as gnarled bitter Dark Web bloggers ala moi. The clip is damning because, once again, we hear Louis C.K. adhering gay attributes to the general population of people who suck. Is this what they mean by microaggression? Who fucking knows. Basically he’s homophobic as shit. And he isn’t even a funny homophobe. I could get a more amusing take on gay people by watching Ellen with my grandpa.

If there’s any subversiveness to C.K.’s new schtick, it’s certainly lost on the white nationalists cheering in the audience. Not a professional comedy critic over here, but he hits the ear as not having a soul. Can’t wait to hear Sarah Silverman’s song and dance defending Louis C.K.’s anti-Parkland shooting survivor tirade. Or his inevitable Netflix special, Louis C.K.: Guns Blazin’!


Photo Credit: Twitter


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