June 21, 2018 | celebrity | Elliot Wolf | 0 Comments
It’s pride month. And apparently that means no one is to patronize Chic Fil A, or make any suggestions that a heterosexual man performed oral sex on another heterosexual man as a means to be offensive. Are we still allowed to call others brown nosers? Because I can easily see how that can be misconstrued from its original meaning of ass kissing to an insult for a gay sex act. Samuel L. Jackson went from telling the world he was high during most of his performances to dissing Trump. All within the span of a few days. Mr. Multi-tasker tweeted one of the more problematic tweets this month which poked fun at other politicians needing mints to avoid dick breath after going down on Trump. Sam is clearly back on drugs.
Tough-talking actor Samuel L. Jackson wished President Donald Trump a happy birthday on Friday, but the Twitterverse took exception to the perceived anti-gay slurs in the message and laid their vengeance upon him.
Jackson’s tweet: “Must have been a party at The White House, Mitch, Paul, Rudy & others were spotted wearing knee pads & carrying these lined up outside. Happy Birthday.”
The tweet included an image of a product called “After Dick Mints” with the tagline “Going down?”
Fortunately no one has figured out he’s Frozone from The Incredibles 2. Being able to avoid a boycott of a sequel 14 years in the making and more backlash is why Sam is the real life gingerbread man. Catch him if you can. He hasn’t even backpedaled to removed the tweet. He should probably be in rehab or jail but instead he’s in your kid’s new favorite movie. Impressive and worth a standing ovation.
Must have been a party at The White House, Mitch, Paul, Rudy & others were spotted wearing knee pads & carrying these lined up outside. Happy Birthday
— Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) June 15, 2018
Photo Credit: Check Out The President’s Daughter Ivanka from Getty Images / Splash News / Backgrid USA