December 25, 2017 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
If you happen to buy into the premise that beauty pageants represent female empowerment and the positive representation of women in modern culture, than you’ll be appalled by some crude emails uncovered from the CEO of the Miss America Organization regarding 2013 winner of the pageant, Mallory Hagan. Haskell’s beef with Hagan seems to be stem from Hagan questioning Haskell’s leadership of MAO on the Miss America Organization discussion board, wherever the hell that is.
In their effort to prove that men are horrible boyfriends, The Huffington Post leaked emails from Miss America Organization CEO, Sam Haskell, where Haskell agreed with a Miss America Pageant writer, that Hagan was a “cunt”, joked back and forth about her promiscuity, and worst of all, body shamed her notable weight gain post pageant victory. (Other Miss America contestants at the time noted how overweight Hagan was during the pageant itself.)
The MAO leapt into defensive action with an internal investigation, firing Haskell and insisting like everybody else in the pageant business, they mostly liked little boys and girls and would never condone foul language against grown women. But it was too late. Dick Clark Productions, publicly and prominently insisted they were cutting all ties with the Miss America Pageant and would no longer be broadcasting the annual event:
“We were appalled by their unacceptable content and insisted, in the strongest possible terms, that the Miss America Organization board of directors conduct a comprehensive investigation and take appropriate action to address the situation. Shortly thereafter, we resigned our board positions and notified MAO that we were terminating our relationship with them.”
Wherever Dick is, he’d be proud of that demonstrative virtue signal. Termination is the next obvious step for sexual harassers. That and former Miss America winner turned Fox News anchor turned sexual harassment civil suit recipient, Gretchen Carlson, igniting a #ResignNow hashtag on Twitter. Even though Haskell’s dismissal had already been sealed, these hashtags are like leftover land mines. They could easily take a leg thirty years after insertion.
Hagan seems poised for a lawsuit against the Miss America Organization for schoolyard trash talk. The fate of the Miss America Pageant itself remains less clear without a TV contract. Causing full fledge panic among the eighteen to nineteen people who care, outside of numerous prissy, questionably attractive debutantes who took two years of violin lessons. Imagine these high strung lipsticked tooth women if they have no pageants to consume their time. Think about the animal activist who releases the herd of corralled steer only to be trampled to death upon their escape. We can’t have these women running loose.