November 16, 2017 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Not only did we score with hotties actress Alex Rose Wiesel and TV news host Mary Kate Gaffney joining us on the show this week, we took the opportunity to score numerous alleged offenses of many Hollywood #MeToo ladies. This may be the most honest review of ass-finger and shrimp-masturbation tales out there. Who else would dare to touch such a subject? Maybe for good reason.
On this week’s Last Men on Earth podcast we delved deep into the numerous alleged sexual harassment offenses of women in Hollywood, the H.W. teenaged Cop-a-Feeling, wonder how Kim Kardashian free passes her way into a baby shower with no fetus around, wonder who the first idiot chick will be to upload her nudes and sex photos to Facebook, and Matt tells some stories of male woe and misandry that will bring a tear to your man-power eye.
Be sure to like us on iTunes because Apple matters more than the Church and the State combined these days.