November 9, 2017 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
If you start digging into basic cable programming, you’ll find a couple dozen shows you’ve never heard of before that are on their seventh season. It’s like digging into Mexican league wrestling. It’s enough to know it exists. Don’t add it to your sports feeds.
“Rehab Addict” isn’t at all about sex or drugs. The clickbait TV title refers to a chick, Nicole Curtis, who restores vintage homes across the country. If you’re into rehabbing teak, this is your show. Curtis has been in the news of late for insisting a court give her the right to breastfeed her now two-and-a-half-year old child steadily, regardless of the joint custody arrangement she has with her ex-boyfriend baby daddy.
When the couple split up, when Curtis’ second kid was six months old, she insisted that breastmilk was the only sustenance the boy should have and that she was incapable of pumping milk for his stays with dad. Therefore, after a much ballyhooed display for the court of her inability to lactate with machine intervention, Curtis inserted herself into her son’s time with dad with mandatory breastfeeds from Curtis.
Cut to two years later and Curtis is operating under the same dogma. She refers to the kid as “30-months” but we can do the math in years. Curtis claims the kid is not ready to be weaned, despite perhaps being ready to sign an early stage football commitment to a Power-5 conference. Curtis used a big exclusive tell-all with People magazine to frame her custody troubles with her ex as her earnest intention to keep the ready for preschool aged kid on her tit full-time.
“It’s not like he’s 7 or 8-he’s still a baby. Every single day I have to weather criticism about how my child is too old to breastfeed. But when he weans, it’s going to be his decision. I truly believe it’s the child’s choice.”
Weathering criticism almost makes it sound like an involuntary trial. Like weathering a storm. Except Curtis’ experience involves posting pictures of herself nursing a big galoot, awaiting the inevitable snide comments, and claiming nursing shaming. Not exactly like when a hurricane hits you.
Curtis’ continues to pursue the angle that a judge insisting she allow her baby daddy control over how the kid eats during his half-time custody amounts to a violation of breastfeeding rights. Which certainly must trump parental supervisory rights. And quite conveniently so.
“People ask me what it’s like to work in a male-dominated industry-piece of cake. Now ask me about the struggle of having my breasts discussed in an open court room, my child’s name sold to tabloids, being court ordered to pump rather than feed my baby the only way he knows how only to be ridiculed when I cry that I can’t produce enough milk with a pump, the humiliation of sitting in front of a stranger while topless hooked up to a breastpump so they could document that yes, indeed my body doesn’t produce enough milk by pumping, then the humiliation of having to put that document on public record and sit in a court room of strangers all privy to an open discussion about my body-and the worst part of all this?”
Because of political correctness, Western psychologists can’t come right out and say that well-off women with three Whole Foods in their area who nurse their kids past a year or so are heavily leaning toward nuts. Or manipulative. Or selfish. It’s never about the kid despite the progressive sounding refrain of “I let my kid decide”. The very same rationale used by celebrity parents who have their boys dressing as girls. What else do you let your kid decide? How much to write off as home business office expenses on you schedule A? The right temperature for the thermostat? It’s a ruse.
Photo credit: People / HGTV / Splash News / Instagram