August 8, 2017 | celebrity | Sam Robeson | 10 Comments
In the new issue of New York Magazine, Ashley Graham sheds light on the disappearance of cheetahs in the wild. She ate them. The sultry feline John Goodman was chosen to cover the magazine’s Fall Fashion issue, where she opens up about the hardships of being large and in charge. Her spiel now extends to minority groups, who she claims paved the way for her success. A lot of paving.
On what the Civil Rights Movement was really about:
I know I’m on this pedestal because of white privilege. To not see black or Latina women as famous in my industry is crazy! I have to talk about it. I want to give those women kudos because they are the ones who paved the way for me.
Rosa Parks just reconsidered her seating choices on public transportation. On some plus-sized bullshit:
Plus what? That’s something I’ve always been told: ‘You’re not good enough because you’re plus-size.’ I’m not here to ban the word from the dictionary — plenty of women own and love it.
And on blowing smoke up her plus-size taint:
People look at my size now and know that’s what makes me famous. That kind of sucks, too, because it’s like, ‘Damn, my size is what makes me famous?’ This is the thing: I know I’m paving the way for the next generation of girls, and they’re not going to have to do this. That’s what I hope. I’ll take the brunt work and just handle it, and then you guys can just sail right on through.
Nobody cares about Ashley Graham’s weight as much as Ashley Graham. Christina Hendricks is considered plus-sized, but she’s too busy warding off dicks wanting to fuck her titties to harp on it 24/7. Taking on the “brunt work” assumes that Graham is making sacrifices. She gets paid too much money to talk about how everyone cares about her. Thanks to publications like New York Magazine wanting to appear woke, Graham even gets to play dress up like a real model.
If Graham really wants to inspire young girls, she’ll point them towards a woman with an actual skill set who contributes to society in a meaningful way. Instead of telling girls to embrace their bikini bodies and ignore the h8ers, maybe tell them to put on some clothes and do something that isn’t dumb. Study? Get a job? Help people besides themselves? Then Graham can turn around and waddle back into the Serengeti forever.
Photo Credit: New York Magazine