July 3, 2017 | celebrity | Sam Robeson | 13 Comments
Sophie Turner opens up to The Times about learning about oral sex from her Game of Thrones script. She was thirteen at the time. An age when a girl is either planning an Easy Bake Oven feast in her Frozen Elsa costume or dancing on pool tables for her abortion fund. The magnitude of Turner’s admission is contingent on her exposure as a thirteen-year-old. Corrupted or simply expanding on her Saturday night.
The first time I ever found out about oral sex was from reading the script. I was like… ‘Wow! People do that? That’s fascinating! I guess that was my sex education.
If a school teacher handed a student a book on oral sex he’d be on the front page of the local newspaper with the headline “He Blinded Me With Science And Rape.” But the entertainment industry is more liberated. You’ll need to learn about oral sex at some point if you want to make it in Hollywood.
Child stars have the ability to make anything cute. This extends until early adulthood or until they become alcoholics. Millie Bobby Brown could take a dump in Oprah’s mouth and Buzzfeed would provide the Top Ten other celebrities Brown should shit on. Number nine will shock you. It’s Bella Thorne. Game of Thrones stars spin gold with their interviews. On GOT they whisk us away to a dreamlike rapey land of intrigue. On late night they squirm around in their chairs next to a lactating Jimmy Fallon.
The twenty-one-year-old Turner also addresses a highly-publicized Game of Thrones rape scene in her interview:
Sexual assault wasn’t something that had affected me or anybody I knew, so I was pretty blasé about the whole thing. Naively so. And then I shot the scene, and in the aftermath there was this huge uproar that we would depict something like that on television. My first response was like, maybe we shouldn’t have put that on screen at all.
The more we talk about sexual assault the better, and screw the people who are saying we shouldn’t be putting this on TV and screw the people who are saying they’re going to boycott the show because of it.
The depiction of rape in movies and television is more common than a character having two dates in one night on a CBS sitcom. Why else do you pay for cable. The oral sex confession seems like more of a conversation starter to me. But it’s hard to focus on the seriousness of exposing young actors to sexually explicit material. They’re just too darn cute.
Photo Credit: The Times