February 28, 2017 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 6 Comments
The life of aimless rich chick mirrors closely the life of aimless broke-ass chicks, only with less dangerous venues. The booze and smokes are better for the wayward girls of means. Rather than whipping out your tits for crumpled dollars at Jumbo’s Clown Room, there’s Instagram. Same results, lower impact medium.
Ireland Baldwin took to Instagram for what is being dubbed her most naked photo ever. It’s a resume builder. You can’t show tits on any Zuckerberg owned property lest his years of applied behavioral therapy fall to the sight of a female nipple. His wife has no tits. His daughter will be force transgendered before puberty. Everybody has their hangups.
Baldwin picked door number one of body positive messaging to explain away selfies of her naked body that look much better than yours and will make most women eat themselves to death:
“I’m pale white. I love bread and beer. I have flaws and I fucking love them and I love my body and so should you. Life is beautiful and it’s too short. It’s not worth obsessing over body image and vanity.”
Truer words were never spoken. I’d be up for more platitudes if you’d post selfies being spitroasted by two NFL linebackers. Twitter, naturally. They gave up caring.
Photo Credit: Instagram/Ireland Basinger-Baldwin