December 3, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Joanna Krupa has a long history of helping out animals. Some that used to pay her handsomely for dates. Others smaller and furrier and in need of rescue. If her passion for pets happens to coincide with her desire to be mostly naked on red carpets and outside fancy restaurants with paparazzi, the abandoned mutts don’t seem to mind.
America remains the premiere destination to bring your blond daughters if they seem to be getting undue attention from the few straight male stragglers hanging out around the grade school. That’s a better indicator of future happenings than anything Nostradamus pulled out of his ass. Poland’s upside for pretty women is pet shows. The car shows are lightly attended. That’s no way to get yourself a $2.5 millon condo overlooking Miami. Does her muffin smell like foul fish? You should be so lucky to ever find out.
Photo Credit: Splash